Welcome to our Beautiful Lake
Andover Lake is a private lake and is one of the cleanest lakes in CT! To maintain the quiet beauty, only non-motorized boats are allowed. Enjoy beach and boating, Membership is required. The Beach is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day with lifeguards on duty.
Beach Hours: Daily 9am - 7pm. Lifeguards on duty 11am - 7pm
Check out and "Like" our Facebook Page, Andover Lake Property Owners Association or email andoverlake@gmail.com for additional information!
We are taking extra precautions and practicing social distancing on the beach, dam and right-of-ways. Please work with our Lifeguard staff to ensure we can all enjoy the beach safely.
We are following CT DPH guidelines by limiting groupings on the beach to 5 people or less.
No guests will be permitted at the beach until further notice. Guests are welcome on ROW's and out on the water in the presence of a member.
Cones will be placed on the beach to encourage members to spread out. Groups should be 15' apart from one another.
Signage will be posted on the beach to remind members to practice safe social distancing.
The raft will remain beached to discourage groups from forming. The raft is off limits while on the beach.
The volleyball net has been taken down.
Masks (or face coverings) are not mandatory, but should be worn when safe social distancing can not be maintained (ie: if groups must briefly co-mingle).
Masks must be worn during routine conversations with our Lifeguards, if social distance can not me maintained.
Masks must be worn when interacting with the ice cream vendor.
Picnic Tables have been spread out to ensure safe social distancing. If co-mingling with members outside your family, masks should be worn while using the picnic tables. Members are encouraged to bring their own table coverings if they plan to use the tables.
Members will be asked screening questions to determine if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
The gate and beach will be closed to additional patrons if/when capacity is reached.
All rescue equipment will be sanitized before and after each shift.
Picnic tables will be sanitized daily.
The porta-potty's handle and seat will be disinfected every 30 minutes if it has been in use. Gate attendant may have gloves to hand out if members would like to use them. The unit will have hand sanitizer inside. We encourage members to sanitize their hands on the way in and again on the way out.
Lifeguards will sanitize their hands at the beginning of their shift and upon exiting the guard house.
This list will be updated as we go along, so be sure to check back regularly. If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment below.
We ask all members to cooperate with our social distancing measures and with our staff to ensure a safe beach environment for all.
ALL ARE INVITED! As a member or non-member,
please join us for activities in blue below!
BEAUTIFY! Connect with YOUR neighbors and help tidy our lake and lake neighborhood!
BEACH CLEAN UP DAY: Sat, May 16th, 9:30-12:30 - We will be cutting back brush, raking the sand & parking lot. Bring a rake or clippers if you have one! Many hands make light work!
SWIM LESSONS--CANCELLED. To maintain the safest environment possible for our members and staff, we will not be offering swimming lessons this year.
MOVIE NIGHTS ON THE BEACH--Currently Suspended
6/19, 7/24 & 8/21 As a member or NON member, join us for outdoor movies on the beach! Bring a blanket and snacks. Check website and Facebook for possible updates! Classic Movie nights are: 7/10, 7/21 and 8/14.
As a member you are allowed to keep your boat “with 2020 sticker” at any of the Right of Ways addresses* BUT FIRST, we need your help to better this space for everyone. How you can help:
1. Remove your unused boats to make space
2. Renew your existing spot, email andoverlakeROW@gmail.com by 5/31/20
3. Inquire about a new spot, email andoverlakeROW@gmail.com starting 6/1/20
*ROWS: See map of all right of ways, visit www.andoverlakect.com/boating
WALLS and DOCKS - If you are considering a wall, dock or float, please FIRST reference the guidelines and applications on our website under the FORMS tab.
About the Associations...